Wednesday, April 4, 2007

The MRI... A Prelude to Surgery

Well, the MRI is behind us now... MJ has come so far from needing "First ____, then ___" and "wait" picture icons to help him learn patience. He waited patiently all day from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with nothing to eat or drink, and not one complaint. MJ grew anxious right before the test began, saying negative things like "I'd run and hide in the back of the car, but I'm not invisible enough" and "Are you going to leave me here to die?" Once he got inside the test site and saw the large MRI scanner, said "Oh, I get it now. They need pictures of my spine," and "I'm going to be fine. I'm invincible!" He's shown us time and again his ability to adapt with humor and courage. In the recovery room, MJ told us "When I woke up I wanted to complement the doctor [anesthesiologist] but I was too weak to talk." Later on when the doctor came into the recovery room, MJ told him "I want to be just like you." The doctor was visibly touched by the complement. This day will definitely help prepare MJ for surgery. MRI day felt a bit like dress rehearsal. The hospital staff provided excellent care. A nurse from the recovery room called this morning to ask how MJ is doing. Little things mean a lot...